Monday, January 25, 2010

Welder Issues

So I may have blown some money...

I've since found out that my new welder I posted about earlier, was only designed with 60Hz AC mains in mind. Living in Australia we have 50Hz. The user manual for the Miller Diversion 165 is very misleading stating 50/60Hz. What I believe was meant by this is that they may (in the future) have two versions, one for each frequency but both with the same part number. Personally I think the part numbers should be different if they are designed to run on different mains systems but alas..

Anyway.. so I've put it back in its box and I'm trying to decide what to do with it.
1. Leave it in the corner and forget about it.
2. Sell it on ebay to someone in USA/anywhere else that has 230VAC 60Hz mains. The problem with this is the huge shipping cost. Sea shipping may make this a viable option.
3. Modify it? Any ideas people?

Here are the symptoms:
Welder welds briefly (5sec or so) then cuts out, fan kicks in, relays switch on and off, fan stops, then you can resume welding for another 5 seconds or so. Grrr.. so irritating.

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